Saturday, October 15, 2011

Evangelization through tobacco and liquor

I'm sorry, but this is just too funny and too good -- from Theater of the word Incorporated.

The theme of this year's Chesterton Conference in Rochester, New York, which 150 eager Chestertonians attended several weeks ago, was "Transforming the Culture." Just a couple of thoughts from Kevin O'Brien:

"One way to transform the culture is to get men [that includes women, you toads] drinking and smoking again."

What?? No, you got that right:
"The True, the Beautiful and the Good echo the glory of the Holy Trinity, and we dare not as artist or audience settle for the Trite, the Banal and the Mediocre.

"These sorts of insights only come by way of cigar smoke, bourbon, a chilly night, the pouring rain, and true Christian fellowship.

"This is because there's something dangerous in men of like mind smoking and drinking together, united in a love of Christ.

"There's nothing dangerous about Kumbaya, about "the sign of peace", about sitting in a circle and sharing [Yes, you MUST click on that!]. The one is living and has gonads; the other is the emasculated product of the same society that's trying its best to re-bury G. K. Chesterton."
And if you have any doubt about that, perhaps you should have been following Fr. Z's "blognic" (you know, "picnic" for "bloggers") in one of London's watering holes, The Coal Hole, recently.

[Hat tip to K.J.]


anon said...

I have a pipe full of Frog Morton as type this.

anon said...

(However, I am regretfully out of Sapphire gin at the moment.)

Anonymous Bosch said...

"A woman drove me to drink, and I haven't yet had the decency to thank her for it." -- W. C. Fields