Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Polluters and contraceptive users

Tim Worstall, "Women on Contraceptive Pill Should Pay $1,500 a Year More Tax" (Forbes, June 3, 2012).

The intrepid Zachary Mabee comments:
This is an interesting argument:

(i) Polluters should pay some sort of tax for the environmental harm they cause;

(ii) Women using artificial contraceptives are polluters (whose pollution has led, many think, to sex-change mutations among fish populations, as well as hormonal imbalance among average citizens who drink tap water);

So: Women who take artificial contraceptives should, as polluters, pay taxes for the environmental harm they cause.

Thoughts or comments?

1 comment:

Geremia said...

It's somewhat ironic that pollutio is the moral theologian's term for non-procreative ejaculation…